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So You Want to Be A Writer?

Believe in Yourself/Take Chances

Can you face rejection? Writing is a scary, unstable business. Your friends and family may not understand this need you have to put words on paper. They may resent the hours you spend locked in a room typing on a keyboard. People may look at you funny when you jot notes on scraps of paper or cocktail napkins. It may take years for you to receive the recognition and appreciation you feel your work deserves. If you don't believe in yourself, you won't survive.

By the time many writers discover that statics say they should never make it— they've already made it. Don't listen to statistics, or grumblings about slush piles and mid-lists. If every publishing house decided to produce only one book a year...why couldn't it be yours?

Tell yourself that one book will be yours—believe in yourself

Even on those days when you don't believe in yourself or your work (we all have them) WRITE ANYWAY!—take chances.




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